Susanneh Bieber
Assistant Professor
Department of Visualization/Department of Architecture
College of Architecture
As an art historian with expertise in modern and contemporary American art in an international context, Susanneh Bieber studies the relationship between art, architecture, and the built environment, addressing the social role of art within the broader field of visual and material culture.
The Arts & Humanities Fellowship will support Bieber’s efforts to recover the work of Victor Lundy, a rising star among architects during the 1960s. Lundy received several prestigious federal commissions, but today his body of work is largely forgotten. Bieber will focus on Lundy’s organic approach to architecture. She will provide terminology to contextualize his work within the established architectural discourses of modernism and regionalism.
To achieve those goals, Bieber will study original documents, such as plans, drawings, notations, and writings by the architect, which are located in archives in Washington DC and New York. She will also interview Lundy, who lives in Houston, and study his buildings onsite in Washington DC, Florida, and New Mexico. The project will result in three peer-reviewed journal articles, three conference presentations, and a lecture at Texas A&M’s Glasscock Center.