DOR Staff Excellence Award: Nominate a team or individual

Aggie Research Program

Aggie Research Program (ARP)

Graduate Professional Development (ARP Leader Meeting) + Diverse Undergraduate Research Teams (ARP Research Team)

Quick Facts
  • 1,020 research teams since 2016
  • 30% growth/year
  • 1,200 participants in AY 21-22
  • Majors from all 12 TAMU colleges 
  • 41% participants underrepresented in STEM
  • 42 faculty on submitted diversity grants in AY21-22
  • STEM Research Leadership Program
  • DeBakey Executive Research Leadership Program
  • Aggie Research Mentoring Program
  • Neuroscience Research Leadership Program
  • Genetics and Genomics Research Leadership Program
Contact: Christopher Quick (

Over the past 6 years, hundreds of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty have advanced their own research programs while developing critical leadership skills needed in the next stage of their research careers. Team leaders select and manage groups of three to eight undergraduate researchers recruited with the help of the Aggie Research Program. Our research education model has characteristics for successful propagation that are of particular interest to the NSF: 1) Scalability: participation has grown 30% each of the first five years and now creates over 1,200 research and research leadership opportunities per year. 2) Adaptability: the model has been applied to a variety of disciplines across 12 colleges at TAMU. 3) Sustainable: the program is very efficient and is supported by recurring funds. 4) Inclusivity: 41% of participants belong to underrepresented groups, which matches the undergraduate student population at TAMU.

For more information, visit and contact Christopher Quick (