Research Integrity Conference

Monday, July 15
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Texas A&M University Hotel and Conference Center

Registration Is Closed.

Safeguarding Our Science


The conference aims to educate and develop research compliance professionals in Texas higher education, fostering collaboration and problem-solving among experts to enhance best practices.


The conference aims to build a community of practice among Texas higher education research compliance officers, fostering relationships and enhancing statewide compliance programs for their well-being.

Hotel Reservations

Limited rooms will be provided to attendees at a discounted rate until Friday, June 21th, 2024. If you wish you to reserve your room for Sunday, July 14th, 2024, please access the link below and make your reservation through the provided link. If rooms fill for the discount rate, please proceed to the regular website to book your hotel room. 

For questions about the conference or logistics, please contact Jillian Franke at

Topics and Breakouts

Animal Welfare

Artificial Intelligence in Research


Conflict of Interest

Human Research

Prohibited Technology


7:30 AM – 8:00 AM
NEW :: Chair Yoga Session

Arrival, Check-in, Continental Breakfast, and Conversations with Colleagues

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 
Welcome and Overview

Export Control Roundtable

Export Control and Research Security Considerations for International Travel  

Presenters:  Lauren Douglas, TAMU; McKaley Izaguirre, TAMU; Amber Oehlke, TEES; Carla Crocker, TAMU-Kingsville; Rani Muthukrishnan; TAMU-San Antonio 


AI: A New Frontier for IRBs

Presenter: Ross Jarvis 

Summary: Artificial Intelligence is the promise of tomorrow and as researchers push the limits of innovation and imagination, IRBs are left wondering how best to protect human subjects. Join us for a guided discussion on how IRBs can navigate this brave new world. 


Regulatory Changes:  Best Practices for Navigating a Moving Target  
Drs. Singleton and Jarvie, with audience participation, will create a roadmap for dynamic adaption to regulatory changes. 


Implications of the Nucleic Acid Synthesis Screening Framework on Procurement, Compliance, and Research Practices 

Ulisses Braga-Neto

Kristi Shryock

Debjyoti Banerjee

Nicolaas Deutz

Partnerships at Work: the role of the FBI in protecting research

Bryan Cannon, Supervisory Special Agent


How Have Your COI Reviews Changed in Light of New Research Security Requirements? 

Presenters:  Conor Wakeman, UT Dallas; Tressie Truett, Texas A&M University 


IRB Title: AI: A New Frontier for IRBs II

Presenters: Ross Jarvis and Aaron Brender 

Summary: Join us as we continue our morning discussion on how IRBs can navigate the introduction of AI into human subjects research. This half of our guided discussion will include the Director of the IT Research Security and Compliance for Texas A&M, Aaron Brender.  


Roundtable Discussion: How to Engage the IACUC:  Best Practices for Recruitment, Training, and Incentivizing Members 

A roundtable discussion to best support and value our committee members for long-term energized participation 


Unraveling the Revised USG Policy on DURC and PEPP for Compliance Officials and Researchers 

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM 
Break with Refreshments

Adam Mikeal, Chief Information Security Officer
Texas A&M University

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM 
Mix and Mingle

Hosted By

Texas A&M University
Division of Research

The University of Texas at Dallas