Online forum will deliver updates on changes to government policies


Sponsored Research Services (SRS) will provide an update on recent revisions to Uniform Guidance as well as other sponsor updates during its AnSRS4U session on May 16, 10-11:00 am.  Registration is required for this Zoom session.

Registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issues guidance regarding government-wide policies for the award and administration of federal financial assistance, often referred to as the Uniform Guidance. An updated version of this guidance was released in April 2024.  This becomes effective Oct. 1, 2024.

While there are several changes, the ones that primarily affect proposal budgeting are listed below:

  • Calculating indirect costs: Definition of Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) increases from $25,000 to the first $50,000 of each subaward on which recipients can charge indirect costs. 
  • De Minimis Indirect Rate: Increases MTDC, the maximum rate that recipients may use for indirect costs without negotiating an alternative rate with the relevant federal agency, from 10% to 15%.  If you have a subrecipient that does not have a federally negotiated rate, they can now charge up to 15% MTDC indirect costs.

Image Credit: Andrey_Popov/