School of Dentistry Research Core-Dallas, TX
The School of Dentistry Research Core includes multiple facilities such as the Histology Core Facility, a Microscopy Facility, and an Animal Resource Unit, as well as general shared core equipment. This facility provides oversight and technical support for the major shared equipment. It is staffed by experienced, full-time technicians who oversee the cores housed in the main Texas A&M School of Dentistry building in the Sciences building as well as the fourth floor of the School of Dentistry within the Department of Biomedical Sciences.
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
- Beckman J2-21 centrifuge
- Beckman GS-6R tabletop centrifuge
- Beckman L-60 Ultracentrifuge
- BioRad CFX96 real-time PCR instruments
- Buehler Isomet low speed saws
- Buehler grinding and polishing devices
- Eppendorf refrigerated microcentrifuge
- Instron Models 1125: Struers FM-7 digital microhardness tester
- Labconco Freezone 2.5 L Freeze Dry System
- Leica SP5
- Leica CTR 6500 UV-laser capture microdissection microscope
- Leica DMRXE microscope
- Leitz 1512 microtome
- LI-COR Odyssey Infrared Imaging System
- Microm HM 500 M Cryostat
- Millrock lyophilizer
- Molecular Devices 96 well plate reader
- MTS Load Cycle tester
- Nanodrop 2000
- New Brunswick shaking incubator
- Nicolet iS10 ATR-FTIR
- Nikon epifluorescent microscope
- Nucleovision image station
- Slide Scanning Olympus VS 120-S5
- Packard Cobra auto-gamma counter
- Packard 1900 TR liquid scintillation counter
- PELCO Biowave Microwave
- Perkin Elmer 1450 Luminescence Counter
- QuantiFluor TM-P fluorometer
- Robocast Assisted Deposition System EBD-2011-05
- ScanCo MicroCT 35 Scanner
- Shimadzu DSC-50
- Shimadzu TGA-50
- Shimadzu TMA-50H
- Techcut low speed saws
- Thermo Scientific Savant SPD 1010 Speed-Vac concentrator
- THINKY Centrifugal mixer
- VIP Tissue Tek processing station
- Tricontinent Multiwash 3 plate washer
- Universal 320 centrifuge
- VWR UV 6300 PC Double Beam Spectro Photometer