DOR Staff Excellence Award: Nominate a team or individual

Course Equivalents

We understand that many departments already offer a course that covers many of the RCR training topics. If your department currently offers a course that you think may already meet the requirements of University SAP 15.99.99.M0.04 Responsible Conduct of Research, please complete the Course Equivalent Form, and return to

Course Equivalent Form

Courses not listed below must be approved in advance. If you are currently enrolled in or have already completed one of the below courses during your current career stage, you are welcome to attend a RCR Workshop; however, you are not required to attend a RCR Workshop. 


Approved RCR Courses (As of August 2, 2021)

BICH 658/ BICH 689   Application of Scientific Values in Daily Research Practice

BIMS 602  Biomedical Sciences Core

BIOL 696   Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research

CHEM 686  Ethics in Chemical Research

MSCI 609  Responsible Conduct of Research

MSCI 650 Foundations of Clinical and Translational Research

N/A  Texas A&M University Initiative for Maximizing Student and Development (IMSD) T32

N/A  Veterinary Medicine Summer Research Training Program

OBIO 610  Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research

OBIO 611  Research Design and Methodology

VMID 686  Scientific Ethics