DOR Staff Excellence Award: Nominate a team or individual

Hoi-eun Kim

Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

Hoi-eun Kim has engaged himself with the topic of German interaction with Asia in the second half of the nineteenth-century. Currently, he is interested in the social and cultural history of pharmaceutical products of the modern era from a global perspective.

Kim’s project examines the lives and activities of Japanese physicians in colonial Korea (1910–45). He plans to study Japanese doctors as a whole using both quantitative (cliometrics) and qualitative methodologies. Kim believes his project will overcome a simplistic overgeneralization of Japanese doctors as mere agents of an empire by emphasizing the significant role market and medical consumerism played in the process. It will also provide an important example for novel exploration of transnational flows of people, knowledge and power. He will complete one journal article, draft four body chapters of the book manuscript and secure a book contract.

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