Human Research Protection Program

The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is composed of institutional leaders, research review committees and agents of Texas A&M University who are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of participants in research conducted or reviewed by the university, including Texas A&M Health and all of its locations, the School of Law and branch campuses in Galveston and Qatar.


The HRPP, institutional review boards and the research community follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and use checklists, worksheets and templates to guide the design, conduct, review and approval of human research.

Getting Started


Human Subjects Research Determination

What requires IRB review?

HRPP offers a worksheet to help investigators determine if a research project requires IRB review, along with a table of activities that may or may not need IRB approval as a general guide.

Huron IRB Submission System

How to submit to the IRB

To submit a new study, access Huron via the provided URL and use the Knowledge Center for guidance. A study protocol is required for submission. Complete CITI training through the Texas A&M SSO. For legacy studies, ensure compliance with all lapsed studies before submitting new ones. Use Huron for updates to study information, annual reviews, and modifications. Exempt, delayed onset, and Not Human Subject determinations from iRIS must be resubmitted in Huron. For further assistance, contact the IRB coordinator.

Participant Information

Information for Research Volunteers

To become a research participant, review the Participant Brochure, understand your rights and responsibilities, and contact the Texas A&M IRB for questions or concerns. Additional resources are available online. When you are ready, visit Aggie Research Volunteers to consider your opportunities and options.

Aggie Research Volunteers

We are pleased to announce that the research recruitment website is now ready for investigators to start submitting the Aggie Research Volunteers Recruitment Website Submission Form for review and approval by the IRB.


Roles and Responsibilities

As a Texas A&M University investigator or research staff working on a human subjects study, you are expected to follow the federal, state, and university policies regarding the protection of human subjects. The Investigator Manual outlines Texas A&M University policy in detail. Broadly, investigators and research staff are responsible for:

  • Minimizing risk to subjects and protecting subject rights and welfare
  • Securing IRB and other departmental or institutional regulatory approvals in advance of the research
  • Obtaining and documenting informed consent
  • Disclosing conflicts of interest
  • Complying with sponsor-specific requirements as applicable (e.g., NIH, DoD, FDA requirements)
  • Completing applicable training for the protection of human research subjects
Full AAHRPP Accreditation - Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc.

Texas A&M University has an expansive plan to ensure that the rights and welfare of participants in Human Research are protected. The protection of human subjects requires that all individuals at Texas A&M University, along with key individuals and committees, fulfill their roles and responsibilities as described in the Human Research Protection Plan. The HRPP is entrusted to provide support, guidance, and education to the TAMU campuses and its affiliated agencies in support of the mission to protect the rights and welfare of research volunteers.

TAMU HRPP Key Information

Texas A&M University has an approved Federalwide Assurance (FWA) with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Texas A&M University’s IRBs are also registered with the HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). All IRBs review and approve research in accordance with Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations at 45 CFR 46, FDA regulations 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56, and International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) E6, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), as applicable. The Statement of Compliance can be used as documentation of the institutional compliance standards in place for the Texas A&M University HRPP.

TAMU FWA Number:  FWA00000092

TAMU IRBs Organization Number:  IORG0000238

The expiration date for the assurance changes regularly.  If you need the expiration date, please visit OHRP’s registration database, enter the FWA Number above, and click “Search.”