What is iThenticate?

iThenticate is the leading provider of professional plagiarism detection and prevention technology used worldwide by scholarly publishers, funding agencies, and researchers to ensure the originality of written work before publication.

Who Can Use iThenticate?

The Division of Research makes iThenticate available to TAMU researchers free of charge. Faculty are strongly encouraged to use the tool as a pre-submission check of papers, proposals, or any other document that will be made available to the broader research community.

Why use iThenticate?

Plagiarism is defined by federal policy as the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results of works without giving appropriate credit. Most research misconduct cases involving plagiarism are plagiarism of text or copying and pasting text another source directly into your own paper or grant without giving appropriate credit to its author.

Discovering plagiarism after publication or submission can have serious consequences, including retractions, damage to professional reputation, and legal implications. Yet, many researchers report unintentionally plagiarizing.

The Division of Research is committed to providing education and resources that prevent such outcomes: using a plagiarism checker before submitting work for publication helps researchers avoid these issues.