It is the goal of Texas A&M University to promote a university-wide environment of responsible conduct of research (RCR).  The responsible and ethical conduct of research is critical for excellence as well as for maintaining public trust in research. Education and training in the ethical and responsible conduct of research are integral elements of research for all undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers who engage in research in any field or who pursue advanced degrees at University facilities.  RCR training covers a wide range of topics, including: research misconduct, research data management, conflict of interest/commitment, collaborative science, responsible authorship, plagiarism, mentoring, human subjects protection, animal welfare, biosafety, export controls, scientific ethics, and safe research environments.

Responsible and Ethical Research Training

Federal Requirements

Recipients of awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are required to comply with specific requirements to ensure appropriate training in the responsible conduct of research.  

Responsible and Ethical Research Training

University Requirements

All undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers participating in research are required to complete RCR training per University SAP 15.99.99.M0.04. The basic requirements are outlined below. Please review the SAP and see the FAQs for more in-depth information.

Frequently Asked Questions