Human Research Protection Program
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is composed of institutional leaders, research review committees and agents of Texas A&M University who are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of participants in research conducted or reviewed by the university, including Texas A&M Health and all of its locations, the School of Law and branch campuses in Galveston and Qatar.
My IRB Contact
HRPP Staff are assigned to specific colleges or units, please consult this list to determine the liaison for your department.
General Contact
(979) 458-4067
1-855-795-8636 (Toll Free)
(979) 862-3176 (Fax)
News and Updates
Getting Started
With HRPPHuron IRB Submission System
How to submit to the IRBTo submit a new study, access Huron via the provided URL and use the Knowledge Center for guidance. A study protocol is required for submission. Complete CITI training through the Texas A&M SSO. For further assistance, contact the IRB coordinator.
Human Subjects Research Determination
What requires IRB review?HRPP offers a worksheet to help investigators determine if a research project requires IRB review, along with a table of activities that may or may not need IRB approval as a general guide.
Human Research often involves specialized review by ancillary groups outside the IRB. The ancillary review feature in the Huron IRB module is intended to support compliance reviews across multiple university oversight groups.
Texas A&M requires all individuals involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of human subjects research to complete Human Subject Protection Training. Good Clinical Practice training may also be required when using FDA regulated test articles or required by sponsor or funding agency such as an NIH qualifying clinical trial.
The HRPP, institutional review boards and the research community follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and use checklists, worksheets and templates to guide the design, conduct, review and approval of human research.
Institutional Review Board
Aggie Research Volunteers
We are pleased to announce that the research recruitment website is now ready for investigators to start submitting the Aggie Research Volunteers Recruitment Website Submission Form for review and approval by the IRB.
Roles and Responsibilities
As a Texas A&M University investigator or research staff working on a human subjects study, you are expected to follow the federal, state, and university policies regarding the protection of human subjects. The Investigator Manual outlines Texas A&M University policy in detail. Broadly, investigators and research staff are responsible for:
Quality Assurance / Post Approval Monitoring Program
The Quality Assurance/Post Approval Monitoring team works closely with the HRPP/IRB staff, the Institutional Review Boards and investigators to ensure the protection of human research participants and facilitate compliance with federal regulations and university rules.
The Human Research Protection Program, which includes two Institutional Review Boards (IRB), is responsible by federal law for ensuring the protection of the rights, welfare, and well-being of participants involved in research studies conducted by Texas A&M faculty, staff, and students.
Participant Info
The Human Research Protection Program, which includes two Institutional Review Boards (IRB), is responsible by federal law for ensuring the protection of the rights, welfare, and well-being of participants involved in research studies conducted by Texas A&M faculty, staff, and students.
Report an Incident / Concern
If you have a complaint, concern, or question about a research study or about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Human Research Protection Program.
Texas A&M University has an expansive plan to ensure that the rights and welfare of participants in Human Research are protected. The protection of human subjects requires that all individuals at Texas A&M University, along with key individuals and committees, fulfill their roles and responsibilities as described in the Human Research Protection Plan. The HRPP is entrusted to provide support, guidance, and education to the TAMU campuses and its affiliated agencies in support of the mission to protect the rights and welfare of research volunteers.